Personal effectiveness and leadership

Leading technicians; for anyone who wants to develop in a leadership role

In conversation with Alex Bos and Michiel Zandstra, participants of the Leading Technicians course.

This spring, eleven partcipants delved into the theory and practice of effective leadership under the guidance of course leaders Ale Riedstra and Janny Janssens. This interview offers a glimpse into the learning experiences and the impact of the course on the professional lives of two participants.

Meet the participants
Alex Bos works at the Ingenieursbureau van Amsterdam. He started his career at the same company immediately after his studies and has since advanced to the role of technical manager for various projects within the civil engineering sector, focusing on the restoration of bridges and quay walls. He also fulfils the role of project leader.

Michiel Zandstra is infrastructure project leader at MUG Ingenieursbureau. He works on various projects ranging from small to large infrastructure projects in Groningen. Both gentlemen completed the Leading Technicians course at the end of May and are eager to share their experiences and insights about the course.

Why the Leading Technicians Course?
A change in position brought challenges to Alex's professional path that he could not cover. For him, the course was an extension of his learning journey. He wondered how he could delegate better and how he could better manage his time. Time management was also a trigger for Michiel to enrol in the course. He has learned a lot through trial and error, but he now thought it was time to take his management skills to a higher level.

Key Insights
During the course, participants learn various techniques to positively influence the behaviour of others. Michiel particularly remembers a role-playing exercise with an actor. All the theory was covered in this exercise, from preparation to execution. "Then you see that good preparation allows you to get more out of a conversation, and this makes you feel more calm,”says Michiel. This provided a realistic picture of the challenges he faces as a manager and made the theory tangible and relevant.

When asked about the insights Alex gained, he answers resolutely: "Take your time, keep calm, and involve others. Building relationships, stepping away from your work and having conversations at a different level.” Alex also mentions the importance of recognizing different people's energies. He has become more aware of recognizing these and responding to them.  Alex benoemt daarnaast ook het belang van de verschillende energieën van personen. Hij is zich er  bewuster van geworden dit te kunnen herkennen en daarop in te kunnen spelen. "When you understand another person's 'wiring' and can better empathize, You will more easily get the other person to see where you are heading,” says Alex. aldus Alex.

Both participants emphasized the practical applicability of the course content. Alex:"What I learned, I could immediately apply in my daily work. Being aware of different personality types within my team has helped me to respond better to individual needs and strengths."

Alex and Michiel highly recommend the course to others in similar positions. They find the insights that they have gained valuable for everyone who works with technicians. It helps them not only to show better leadership but also to elevate the team to a higher level.

Do you want to improve your leadership skills and effectively manage the dynamics of technical teams? Register for the Leading Technicians course Supervising technicians on October 14, 2024, there are still places available. Develop your professional capabilities and make a difference in your organization!

photo on the left: Michiel Zandstra
Photo right: Alex Bos

Course leaders

  • Janny Janssens

  • Ale Riedstra

    LMS Group

Program manager

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