Our teachers

All PAOTM teachers work and think at the intersection of theory and practice. This means that they are both expert and innovator. Our teachers are specialists who want to pass on their state of the art expertise to the course participants. They come from both science and businesses. Our teachers want to contribute to the spreading of state of the art academic knowledge by teaching postgraduate courses.

Our teachers

Project management and process management

Lynn Vosman

Universiteit Twente

“Hoe integreer je bijvoorbeeld een programma binnen een projectorganisatie en wat betekent dit voor processen, routines, en samenwerking? We belichten dit onderwerp vanuit wetenschappelijk perspectief en gaan met elkaar in gesprek over programmatisch samenwerken.”

Project management and process management

Leentje Volker

Universiteit Twente
Project management and process management

Jacqueline Klaassen

Quintense BV

“Een werkbaar contract sluit je samen. Daarvoor met je weten wat je wil en ook wat je niet wil. Contracteren vraagt dus om in contact te zijn met elkaar en met jezelf; het blijft mensenwerk.”

Project management and process management

Jeroen van Netten


“Aanbestedingen en contracten lijken vaak een doel van projecten, terwijl het eigenlijk middelen zijn om je projectdoelstellingen (op een beheerste manier) te bereiken. Graag deel ik mijn kennis en ervaring hoe je hier invulling aan geeft.”

Hydraulic engineering

ir. Hendrik Meuwese

Waterschap Scheldestromen

“I'll tell you everything you need to know about groundwater models around flood defenses.”


drs. Remmelt Mastebroek


“It gives me great pleasure to share my geotechnical knowledge.”

Mechanical, materials and maritime engineering

ir. Johannes Homan

Fatec Engineering

“Fatigue is one of the main causes of collapse. With this course you will learn the background of fatigue and how to deal with it. A good basis to avoid unpleasant surprises.”

Hydraulic engineering

ir. Johannes J. Veldman (Hans)

Aktis Hydraulics

“If sailing is your passion and the hydraulics of waterways is your profession, then the PAOTM course is a wonderful opportunity to transfer your knowledge and practical experiences about inland shipping and waterways to an interested audience, because as the slogan says:
'Water transport is the right way.'”


Project management and process management

ir. Bart van den Berg


“I enjoy talking about my profession. The real estate sector is constantly evolving and subject to change. Students often bring diverse backgrounds and perspectives, which can lead to fascinating conversations and the sharing of different insights.”