
Convince your employer of your course!

Would you like to follow a course to work on your personal development? To arrange this, you already have an idea of how much training budget is available and you know which course you want to take. Now you have to convince your employer of the usefulness and necessity of acquiring the new knowledge.

We are glad to give you a number of tips that can help you to achieve your goals in the conversation with your employer. Thorough preparation is half the work!

  1. Suggest a course that has value for you, your team and your organization
    Consider what new knowledge or skills you would like to acquire and how this fits in with the business strategy. When it is clear how the company can benefit from the new knowledge, a win-win situation is created for you and your employer. You emphasize the added value of the course and have tailored it to broader interests.
  2. Discuss the long term
    Know well what you want to achieve. Not just now or next year, but where do you want to be in, for example, five years? And how does taking this course help you to realize your long-term goals? When you have strong arguments, your chance of success increases. So make sure you have a plan ready.
  3. Take costs and time investment into account
    Your organization probably has a development budget available. Take the size of the budget into account and think about how you can make optimal use of it. Taking a course will often take place in company time. These are also costs for your employer. Maybe you are willing to invest some of your own time? That might make it easier to convince your employer.
  4. Make clear that new knowledge motivates
    Regular training ensures that you are more sustainably employable and motivated. This will provide you with more job satisfaction, creativity and inspiration and possibly also time or cost savings. Your team and employer also benefit from this.
  5. Indicate that you want to set up a study agreement
    Your employer may be afraid that you will look for another job shortly after your training. A study agreement offers a solution. You can clearly record agreements in this document and can, for example, agree that you will repay (part of) the costs of the course in case you leave the company within a certain time.
  6. Be persuasive and determined
    When you make a realistic proposal considering the goals of your organization that will benefit your company both practically and in the long term, you can promise yourself that rejection is not an option. Stand by your arguments, be brief and persuasive and avoid details and discussion. If you are determined in your belief that the course you want to follow is of great value and that you can ensure that the new knowledge is practically applicable and relevant for more colleagues than just you, you can work together towards success and growth.

Are you ready to have the conversation, but are you still looking for the right course for you and your company? PAOTM offers you a wide range of courses in many technical disciplines and in the field of leadership. Take a look at our course offer.

Would you like to receive study advice? Please feel free to contact us. Based on your needs, we look for a suitable course from our offer. Or we are happy to help you with a solution for your team. With our in-company options we can create a tailor-made program together. At the time and place of your choice, completely tailored to your specific issues. Whatever your knowledge question is, we are happy to help you!


  • The latest post-academic knowledge and skills
  • Focused on questions that arise in a technical environment
  • Interactive and directly applicable in practice
  • Top teachers from science, research and business

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