Data analysis and programming

“At PAOTM I found depth in the field of data and the conceptual insight I was looking for.”

Mateen Asad, senior business consultant at BearingPoint, took the Practical data science course at PAOTM, supplemented with a customized program on time series analysis.

Mateen has extensive experience in digital transformation, data engineering and power grid operations. His mission is to help companies that operate in the world of electrical and energy to realize their vision of smart networks and optimize their asset management and system activities. He works at BearingPoint, a multinational management and technology consultancy company with headquarters in Amsterdam, operating in 43 countries. They provide solutions for companies, government and NGOs in the field of consulting, products and capital.

We spoke to Mateen about his insights and experiences regarding the course he took at PAOTM and how it has helped him in his professional career.

What does your current position entail?
I am a senior business consultant at BearingPoint, specialized in data and analytics. My job is to translate data into management information so that strategic goals can be better achieved. I advise management and integrate technology to support their strategies.

How did you get in touch with PAOTM?
I chose to subscribe for a course at PAOTM because I was looking for specific knowledge about time series analysis. I did this by searching on the internet and ended up at PAOTM, among others. Based on the course description, I thought I would find what I was looking for at PAOTM. I initially registered for a course that ultimately was cancelled because there were too few participants. But after consulting with PAOTM, an alternative was organized, where the teacher took extra time to answer my questions in more detail.

How did the PAOTM course appeal to you?
The collaboration with universities and PAOTM's in-depth technical approach appealed to me. I didn't want a superficial executive summary, but a thorough technical treatment of the topics. At PAOTM I found the depth and conceptual insight I was looking for.

Did you have a need for specific knowledge?
My interest in the course arose from my work, in which I discovered the need for time series analysis, especially within sectors such as banking and financial services. I wanted to deepen my knowledge because I saw that it is widely applicable and requires more than a simple view of data.

What did you think of the course program and content?
I didn't have many expectations beforehand, because the subject was new to me, but I was happy with the technical depth. The course was well structured and covered topics I had not seen before. This helped me to gain a better understanding of data science in practice. During the course, I worked with the software myself and was able to practice a lot. And the interaction with the other participants was also positive and helped to gain a good understanding of the different topics.

What is your experience with the course leader?
The course leader was excellent. The structure of the course started with the basic principles of statistics and then delved deeper into data science. This provided a good insight into how classical statistics transitions into modern data science. The teacher ensured that the connection between the topics became clear. I have learned a lot in a short time.

Can you name something specific that you have learned that you can apply in your work?
An important lesson was that statistics are still relevant in the context of data science. I now regularly use machine learning techniques in my work, and the course has helped me to build a foundation in time series analysis, something I want to grow further in.

Would you recommend the course to colleagues?
Certainly, I have already recommended a colleague to take the course at PAOTM. PAOTM has also listened very carefully to my needs and that is why taking a course at PAOTM is very valuable.

The depth and technical approach make it a valuable course for anyone who wants to specialize in data science and time series.

Curious about the courses in the field of data?
Has Mateen's story inspired you? If you are looking for the latest theoretical knowledge combined with direct applicability in practice, for yourself or for your team, take a course in the field of data analysis at PAOTM led by specialist Koo Rijpkema (Eindhoven University of Technology). You will find the complete range of courses in the field of data on our data analysis and programming page or view the courses below.



  • The latest post-academic knowledge and skills
  • Focused on questions that arise in a technical environment
  • Interactive and directly applicable in practice
  • Top teachers from science, research and business

Program manager

Course leader

Data analysis and programming

dr. Koo Rijpkema

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)

“For me, teaching means sharing knowledge and passion, inspiring and fascinating people through the application of statistics.”

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