All PAOTM teachers work and think at the intersection of theory and practice. This means that they are both expert and innovator. Our teachers are specialists who want to pass on their state of the art expertise to the course participants. They come from both science and businesses. Our teachers want to contribute to the spreading of state of the art academic knowledge by teaching postgraduate courses.
“Risks are not the ‘plaything’ of the risk manager; ownership lies with the entire project team.”
“How do you integrate a program within a project organization and what does this mean for processes, routines and collaboration? We will discuss this topic from a scientific perspective and discuss programmatic collaboration.”
“Water en een goede kwaliteit staat aan de basis van het leven. Toch is het vakgebied voor veel mensen onbekend. Naast dat ik goede zin heb om mensen over mijn vakgebied te informeren en tools te geven hoe we dit water kunnen beschermen en verbeteren is lesgeven voor mij zeer zingevend.”
“A maintenance project is a temporary window into the life cycle of an asset”
“A successful project is something you create together. To do that, you need to know what you want and especially what you don’t want. That requires being in contact with each other and with yourself; it remains human work.”
“Tendering and contracts often seem a project goal, while they are actually means to achieve your project objectives (in a controlled manner). I would like to share my knowledge and experience on how to give substance to this.”
“I'll tell you everything you need to know about groundwater models around flood defenses.”