Digitization in drinking and waste water

€ 1.150 excl. VAT

This course covers topics such as the potential and possibilities of digitalization and the required changes in the current infrastructure to go digital.

Understanding the digital transformation

This course provides an inspiring picture of various initiatives by the Dutch water sector and industry partners in the field of digitization. Almost everyone working in the water sector is now familiar with terms such as Machine learning, Digital twin and Scrum and Agile working, but how do we apply these techniques and methods in concrete terms in the daily activities of drinking and waste water companies?

In addition to the inspiring examples, the ICT aspects will be extensively discussed. And these discussion will help participants to answer and understand the questions, like: What about data security and cyber security? How (un)secure is the cloud and can we get around it in the future? What impact does digitization have on ICT of the organization?

Digitization and Smart urban water infrastructure

During this course you will learn, in a hands-on manner:

  • You will get examples of applications from various drinking water companies and water boards
  • Gain insight into success factors and pitfalls of digitization projects
  • We give meaning to the terms Digital Twin, Scrum Agile working and Serious gaming (during workshop session)
  • You will learn about data security, cyber security and cloud applications
  • You will get hands on practice of the relevant tools to make digitization projects a success

Intended for

People working in the water sector within the fields of smart urban water infrastructure, cyber security, the employees of water companies and water boards, engineering firms or suppliers who are involved in digitization projects in the water sector as initiators, project employees or ICT specialists.

Course leader

dr. ir. Martijn Bakker

Royal HaskoningDHV

PAOTM is rated with an average of


Program manager


  • The latest post-academic knowledge and skills
  • Focused on questions that arise in a technical environment
  • Interactive and directly applicable in practice
  • Top teachers from science, research and business

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