Discover our
in-company courses

Are several employees interested in the same course, do you want to enrich knowledge with the entire team or focus on your own practice? Then an in-company course could be interesting.

Are several employees interested in the same course, do you want to enrich knowledge with the entire team or focus on your own practice? Then an in-company course could be interesting. We are happy to think along with you about the possibilities. PAOTM has extensive experience in organizing in-company courses in many technical fields for a wide range of companies. You can choose to have an existing course organized in-company for multiple employees. However, if you have a specific organizational or departmental issue, we can also design a unique course. For every customized request, we search our network at universities, knowledge institutes and the business community for the right teachers who can provide your team with the desired knowledge. We then put together a course based on your training needs, learning needs and organizational goals.

Curious about the possibilities? Contact one of our program managers or complete the form below. We are happy to make you a suitable offer.

In-company request

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We store your personal data to inform you about your reservation, question or registration, and for other purposes as described in our privacy statement.


Why In-company

  • A course tailored to your specific needs
  • Get started right away with your own cases
  • Led by top teachers with the most up-to-date knowledge
  • You choose where and when: always efficient
  • The entire team trained simultaneously
  • Customization possible in all our fields

Our in-company courses are rated with an average of


Study advice needed?

Is there a need within your department or organization for which you do not know exactly how you are going to acquire the right knowledge? PAOTM is glad to offer the solution. Based on your needs, we will look for a suitable course from our range of courses for multiple participants or we will help you with a tailor-made course for your team. Whatever your question, we are happy to help you.

Contact us

Our teachers

  • Raoul Broekens

  • Project management and process management

    Arjen van Maaren

    Rijkswaterstaat Corporate Dienst

    “A maintenance project is a temporary window into the life cycle of an asset”

  • Hydraulic engineering

    Bert Voortman

  • Project management and process management

    Jordy Geernaert

    Quintense BV

    “Risks are not the ‘plaything’ of the risk manager; ownership lies with the entire project team.”

  • Anja van der Sluijs

  • Energy technology and electrical engineering

    Dr. Chengmin Li

    Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Water management and water treatment

    Miquel Dionisio Pires

  • Hydraulic engineering

    Bastiaan Heutink

    Waterschap Aa en Maas
  • "Voor mijn toepassing in het werk, zeer uitgebreid en met erg veel verdieping."
    Waterschap Brabantse Delta
  • "Heel veel informatie in korte tijd. Ik denk dat er een goede selectie gemaakt is in wat voor ons relevant is, complimenten aan Marloes en Lianne."
    Janneke Nooren
    Waterschap Brabantse Delta
  • "De eerste dag was pittig, veel informatie. De tweede dag kwam alles samen en leuk dat er meer voorbeelden waren."
    Waterschap Brabantse Delta
  • "Veel stof, goed gestructureerd."
    Waterschap Brabantse Delta
  • "Hele leuke leerzame cursus. Veel achtergrond waar je, ook als je geen systeemanalyses gaat doen, veel aan hebt."
    Robbert Poldermans
    Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland
  • "De cursus bood veel begeleiding van de cursusleiders, wat zeer gewaardeerd werd. Het is duidelijk dat ze veel kennis over het onderwerp hebben, aangezien ze vrijwel alle vragen goed konden beantwoorden en ons konden helpen bij de analyse wanneer onze groep vastliep in het model of de waterbalans. Ik heb veel kennis opgedaan over de ESF's en het was erg fijn dat ik dit direct kon toepassen in een casus."
    Julia van der Leer
    Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland
  • "Ik vond het een nuttige cursus en door de opzet en de goede interactie tussen cursusleiders en de groep is er veel informatie uitgewisseld."
    Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland
  • "Zeer interessant, docent wist de stof op een leuke manier te brengen."
    Van Doren Engineers
  • "Goede balans tussen theorie en praktijk."
    Peter van den Heuvel
    Van Doren Engineers
  • "A very pleasant course, with a clear story and a good combination of theory and practice."
    Casper Mertens

Our corporate partners

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Download the Study Guide

In addition to the course offerings, the Study Guide also contains the themes that we will further develop next year. Would you like a complete overview of our courses and training in your field(s)? Request the Study Guide and receive it digitally.