The powerful presenter

2 days
In English on request

During this incompany course you will learn to convince with your presentation. Create a clear storyline, provide the right perspective and choose appropriate body language.

Get your message across more effectively and with more impact

Professionals and leaders are expected to deliver a message effectively and with impact. By means of this, they need to give full weight to their own interests and to the interests of the listener. Clear storylines help bring the message across clearly, just as establishing the right perspective and supporting your message with appropriate body language. With this course you will be able to deliver your message more effectively and with greater impact.

Why do so many people feel tense before and after giving a presentation? You are good at your work and in what you do. Why then is telling a convincing story so difficult? And why is there both during and after a presentation so much noise?

You give presentations regularly and want to become more effective in them. Of course you would like to speak more naturally and to keep to your storyline. And it goes without saying, that you would like to deal easily with listeners that may have different expectations than you. Above all, you want to be the messenger and be less dependent on sheets and other accessories. In order to help yourself to make a step in this direction, it is valuable to become more sure of yourself, in moments when all eyes are trained on you.

What is your impact during and after presentations?

At the end of this module you will:

  • In your preparation be able to give proper justice to your own interests and to those of the public.
  • Be able to create clear storylines that differentiate between main topics and side issues.
  • Know how to position a statement so that you have the public’s attention right from the start.
  • Learn techniques that will give you the skills to react to signals from the public more compatibly.
  • Learn how to use your body language more effectively to support your message.
  • Become more aware of your own convictions, which limit you during your presentation.
  • Become more proficient at implementing positive arguments to get the results you want.
  • Learn how to make, with less words, more impact.

Since 2015, this workshop has been continuously developed and perfected during international incompanies for engineers and their executives in Taiwan, China, Singapore, Korea, United States and France.

Intended for

Technical professionals as well as supervisors/managers (HBO or WO, regardless of their study major).

In English on request

Do you want to follow the course in English? Please mention this in the remarks field when you register.

Course leader

Ale Riedstra

LMS Group

This course is rated with an average of


Program manager


  • The latest post-academic knowledge and skills
  • Focused on questions that arise in a technical environment
  • Interactive and directly applicable in practice
  • Top teachers from science, research and business

Frequently asked questions

  • "This training was an eye-opener for me, one of the best soft-skill courses I have attended."
    Hans Onvlee
    participant of The powerful presenter ASML
  • "Zeer leerzaam. Goed georganiseerd. Veel handvatten gekregen waarmee ik nu aan de slag kan gaan en mijzelf kan verbeteren."
    Participant working at an engineering firm
  • "Ik vond de manier waarop de cursus gegeven werd erg prettig. Goede balans tussen luisteren en zelf doen."
    Participant working at a drinking water company
  • "De beste cursus die ik ooit heb gehad over presenteren."
    Participant working at a drinking water company
  • "Dit was een zeer waardevolle cursus voor mij. Chapeau Werner!"
    Participant working at an engineering firm
  • "Positief, belangrijke handvatten gekregen."
    Participant working at an engineering firm
  • "Ik heb echt genoten van deze training en raad hem graag aan. Er zijn veel trainingen die een kader bieden om een verhaal te structureren en die tips geven om het goed te presenteren. Wat in deze training opvalt is dat we werden aangemoedigd om heel goed na te denken over wie we zijn, wat onze sterke en zwakke punten zijn en hoe we dit in onze presentaties kunnen overwegen. Dankzij de intieme en gedeelde sfeer die de trainer tijdens de training creëerde, heb ik tijdens deze twee dagen veel geleerd over mezelf en over mijn collega's."
    Benny Akesson
  • "Een fantastische workshop die je helpt je boodschap gestructureerd en compact te verwoorden naar je publiek. Naast de inhoud heb ik vooral genoten, en geleerd, van de interactieve opzet en aandacht voor thema’s als authenticiteit, lichaamstaal en impact."
    Joris van den Aker

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