Leer hoe je regelsysteemonderdelen zoals actuatoren, sensoren, elektronica, algoritmen en software ontwerpt en kiest, zodat je technische machine optimaal functioneert. Modulair te volgen: kies voor 1, 2 of 5 dagen.
Control systems are a very important part of the use of technical machines. To understand them properly, an understanding of the complexity of control systems is required.
Control systems usually are the basis for automation. The PID algorithm is the most commonly used tool. But how do you choose the components of the control system in such a way that everything works properly? This question is not easy to answer, and if the components are chosen incorrectly, it has extremely unpleasant consequences. In practice, the automated system often appears to function below the original expectation. In the most extreme case, the automated system will not function at all. In this course you will learn how to answer this question in a systematic way.
After completing this course, you can immediately start improving your control systems, so that the machines in which control systems run, function better. With better machines you create added value in terms of quality, production speed and efficiency, energy savings and the environment. You also increase safety and reliability by preventing overload, malfunctions and accidents.
During this course you will learn, in a hands-on manner:
During the course there are exercises on a test setup with PLC/Arduino and on simulation models. In addition, you can bring data from your own process and/or system to be controlled so that you can apply the above theory during the course to your own professional situation.
The course consists of modules. You can follow all modules as a whole or individual modules of your choice, depending on your knowledge needs.
– Module 1: Control Systems Basis
– Module 2: Mathematics for Control Systems
– Module 3: Advanced Control Systems
View the program and dates and locations for more information.
The course is intended for professionals who wish to design a control system for any application, including motion systems, process, power systems, drones, wind turbines. The course is interesting for:
“A course for both beginners and experienced professionals, with a theoretical part and a practical part, to train them in the latest techniques and methodologies in control-systems.”
• Definitions required for control systems (like actuators, sensors, manipulated variables, open loop, closed loop)
• Systematic procedure for automating of units
• Systematic procedure for automating of complete complete systems/installations
• Systematic procedure for automating of complete complete systems/installations
• Mathematical tool for linking manipulated variables to process variables
• Introduction to control system selection
• Modeling techniques (white box, black box, grey box)
• Linear vs. nonlinear models, linearization, superposition
• Laplace-transformation
• System identification *
• Transfer functions, block diagrams
• Analysis of transfer functions in both the time domain and the frequency domain
• Stability, time constant, dead time, damping, resonance
• Loop transfer function
• Bode diagram
• Gain margin and phase margin
• Nyquist diagram
• Ideal loop transfer functions
• Filter types: low pass, high pass, notch
•Application to PID tuning and filter selection
• PID control
• PID transfer functions and implementations
• PID parameters and their effect *
• PID Tuning techniques: open loop methods *
• PID Tuning techniques: closed loop methods *
• Extending PID with filters
• Cascade control (Master-Slave)
• Feedforward *
• Decoupling
• Override control
• Gain scheduling
• Split range
• Model Predictive Control
• Loop diagnosis and monitoring
“A course for both beginners and experienced professionals, with a theoretical part and a practical part, to train them in the latest techniques and methodologies in control-systems.”
Below you will find an overview of the available dates and locations. You can register immediately by clicking on the 'Register' button.
Heb je vooraf een offerte nodig voor jouw cursusaanvraag? Vraag deze hier eenvoudig aan.
Request a quotationAre several employees interested in the same course, do you want to enrich knowledge with the entire team or focus on your own practice? Then an in-company course could be interesting. We are happy to think along with you about the possibilities. PAOTM has extensive experience in organizing in-company courses in many technical fields for a wide range of companies. You can choose to have an existing course organized in-company for multiple employees. However, if you have a specific organizational or departmental issue, we can also design a unique course. For every customized request, we search our network at universities, knowledge institutes and the business community for the right teachers who can provide your team with the desired knowledge. We then put together a course based on your training needs, learning needs and organizational goals.
Curious about the possibilities? Contact one of our program managers or complete the form below. We are happy to make you a suitable offer.
"*" geeft vereiste velden aan
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